Dinosaurs, and Blueberries, and a Goose!

The last few days I've been working on a few different projects. 
The first one pictured below is a dinosaur marionette, which will probably be complete by the end of the month as each layer and part of the body takes almost a full day to dry. (I live in a cold and wet climate currently and that changes dry times.) I am mostly using paper mâché which may change as I go along.

The second project that I am working on is a fleece dinosaur that is an old project that I sewed up while waiting for a layer to dry. It was a pattern I had made a few years ago and I could not remember what it was.

This is a recycled mouth plate I wound up using.

Here is a painting fleece technique that I tried. The trick to painting fleece well is to get the paint to an almost water consistency, but not completely a water consistency. Similar to air brush paint. In order to dilute the color dabbing the fabric with your finger or paper towel as one works helps this. If one were to try dabbing after versus as one goes it does not look as nice.

Here are the eyes for the two. It does not have the pupil painted on as I do not want to put pupils on until it is on the puppets. The shine is two layers of starch.

This is a tongue made from black foam carved with many layers of paint to give it texture. It also has a glaze of starch to help keep the paint on the tongue. 

Teeth are just painted foam.

Here is the head of the second dinosaur put together;

I am currently making a blueberry muffin puppet. I forgot to take a picture of the muffin itself, and as it is currently in a bucket of dye, I do not want to move it. However here are the clay blueberries I made and painted...

and here they are next to a bunch of blueberries.

They will be the eyes of the blueberry muffin. In order to get the shape on top of the blueberry I used a needle and scratched out the shape, that was after trying to make the shape and attach it to the berry, which failed miserably. 

I will update on the muffin and dinosaurs as I complete the projects.

Lastly, a while back I finished a goose puppet made from a stuffed animal that I had torn apart years ago. It's mouth plate is the most comfortable mouth plates I have ever made.

Thank you for reading!
