Roxie the Story of a Pet Rock: Chapter 5: Out on a Walk

Roxie the Story of a Pet Rock: Chapter 5: Out on a Walk
Today, Roxie and I went on a walk to the bay. She stopped on a stump and I thought it was cute, so I took a picture.

Then we walked a little ways, and she hopped a log.

Then another stump.

This continued… 

Then Roxie found a stick and wouldn’t move…

I waited for about twenty minutes, and then we continued walking. We stopped stopping at every stump, stick, and log, and I thought we were in the clear until…

Roxie climbed up a tree.

It was cute until ...

…she climbed higher.

…and higher.

Look at that smug face.

Then she climbed even higher.

After waiting a while, Roxie eventually came down. We continued walking and suddenly…

…there was another log.

This continued again…

Roxie found a log the same color as her.

Then Roxie was at it again…

Then it got even worse. Roxie stopped and climbed up on every single stump.

Finally, I picked Roxie up and we made it to the bay.

Roxie made some friends. 

Roxie and I enjoyed our walk to the bay.
